Heather DeKeyser
Available weekdays for in-person appointments
Specialty Areas
Communication/Sexual functioning
Men’s Sexual Health
Women’s sexual health
Desire Discrepancies
Relational & Sexual Trauma
Alternative Lifestyles
Chronic Illness & Cancer
Sexuality & Disability
Couples Intensives
Internal Family Systems
about heather
You don’t have to wear next to nothing to be considered sexy.
I believe that sexuality is everywhere, from the way we dress, to the way we take care of ourselves, to the careers we choose and who we surround ourselves with. I also believe in the power of connection; to our own minds and bodies, as well as others. Sexuality and sexual health have always been passions of mine and working within frameworks of attachment and internal family systems, I value creating an environment of safety, authenticity and playfulness when working with clients around these topics. I believe sex has the capacity to heal, nurture and empower, but is often the origin of shame, pain and discomfort. Clients come to sex therapy to ask questions, be heard and seen, and discuss parts of themselves and their journeys that are incredibly powerful and vulnerable. I work to gain my client’s trust and welcome them with genuine interest and curiosity. I take pride in being sex-positive, pleasure-centered and genuine in supporting clients as they build greater self-awareness and build healthier intimate relationships.
When I am not in the office seeing clients, I am presenting or doing speaking engagements in the community about sex and sexuality, training other clinicians on how to bring sex and intimacy into the therapy room with their clients, or putting on retreats for couples who want to enhance their sexual lives.
More personally, I am a survivor of breast cancer who loves the Golden Girls and believes movement is medicine. I love snowmobiling in the winters and being on the water in the summers. My favorite season is Fall and I enjoy everything pumpkin! I am from Wisconsin, love the color purple, and have to have my coffee in the mornings!
session fees
50-minutes $225
75-minutes $260
90-minutes $300
50-minutes $200
Session fees may be paid by credit card, check, or cash (check or cash options available for in-person sessions only).

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