Dalliance is a sexual wellness community of practitioners who challenge societal constructs and ideas of sex. We believe in providing clients with current, evidence-informed therapies that are accessible, integrative, creative and sex-positive. We collaborate with clients to encourage pleasure, accountability, authenticity and curiosity in regard to relationships, bodies and beliefs. We believe in expanding views of sex from a performance and goal-based set of behaviors to an integrative experience that connects mind, body and spirit.
Our Mission
Our Vision
Dalliance Sexual Wellness Collective views sexuality as being an inherent, essential and beneficial dimension of being human and values the connection between vulnerable conversation and physical exploration. We believe our role as clinicians and healers is to help clients explore healthy sexual attitudes and values to create lives full of connection and pleasure.

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Almost everyone that comes to sex therapy asks some version of the following questions:
Do you feel disconnected, misunderstood, resentful, lonely, and hurt? Do you wish you felt more confident expressing your sexual needs and desires to your partner, but don’t know how? Are you so stuck in your head during sex that it impedes connection and performance? Did your sex life used to feel spontaneous and effortless but now it feels obligatory, routine, and unsatisfying? Does sex feel different or even painful since having kids? Or maybe there’s nothing major wrong, but you want to enhance your sex life and just don’t know where to start?
Some seek sex therapy to discuss their sexuality, sexual lifestyles or preferences, or just to better understand who they are sexually.
Others seek it to get answers to questions they have, or because of childhood experiences they don’t quite understand or are confused by. People are told all the time what is acceptable and unacceptable when it comes to sex, and this limits so many into thinking they are dysfunctional or broken or “not good” at sex. Dalliance believes healthy sexuality is more than a set of performance-based behaviors with the goal being orgasm. Healthy sex involves pleasure, curiosity, vulnerability, and authenticity. It involves talking, exploring, and discussing expectations. We have a saying; “if you can’t talk about it, you shouldn’t be doing it.” This applies to making big purchases, parenting decisions, where you should vacation or eat dinner, and yes, even sex!
Sexuality is everywhere. Many experiences from our early ages influence how our sexuality develops and determines how we will interact in adult intimate relationships. Conflict and a lack of intimacy with your partner can feel like a threat to the stability of the relationship and you may be wondering if the relationship can be saved or if it’s even worth trying to save. This inner turmoil can leave you feeling distressed and rejected and unfortunately, it’s also taking a toll on your physical health. Research has shown that stress in relationships takes a physical toll on the body by decreasing immunity response, while increasing the chance for autoimmune disease, and even heart disease or other illness. At Dalliance, we want to help you get healthy by reconnecting with yourself, untangling the dynamics in your relationship that are keeping you stuck, and finding a deeper meaning, satisfaction, and connection in your sexual relationship.
We understand seeking therapy is a vulnerable and uncomfortable experience for many! We value connection and transparency, so our clinicians work by building a trustworthy alliance with our clients so they feel seen and heard and can be themselves. Sharing your story can be hard, sad or even full of anxiety. We collaborate with our clients to enhance their lives and relationships by building confidence and awareness, and help them create healthier lives full of intimacy and healthy sexuality!